Pitch In

We need your help.

First and foremost, join the conversation. Make comments on social media. Talk about it with friends and colleagues. Persuade the company you work for or the school you attend into contributing to the effort. Don’t wait for me or anyone else to issue marching orders. If you didn’t really understand what my vision is, that is a good thing. Your ideas are probably better than mine. Share them. Make something happen. American exceptionalism works when we are free to express our opinions and act on them. If your ideas are good, others will want to be a part of it.

  • If you are a lawyer, work on how to keep the interface definitions in the public domain.
  • If you are a communications expert, publish something on the pros and cons of cellular vs. web vs. something new on the drawing table.
  • If you are an IT type, get a group together and think about the interface requirements between vehicle and RMS or between vehicle and hub.
  • If you are in to modeling, it would be great to build a model utilizing modified rc vehicles and test various interfaces.
  • If you work at a university, it will make a great class project to design and build working prototypes of some of the necessary components. I think it would be fun to have university teams competing to build the best hub management system or the best right-of-way to vehicle power transfer system. My current thinking is tht the winner should incorporate power transfer, retainment, and coupling.
  • If you are into animation a short video is worth 10,000 words. A few pictures would be a boon.
  • We need sponsors. If you can sell you company on providing work areas like share point servers or cad cam servers to design teams working on the public interfaces, make it happen. If we can get multiple teams working on an interface, we can have competition and would need judges to select the best ideas.

PLEASE, help spread the word and get everyone talking.

We are just getting started and we aren’t staffed sufficiently to be able to respond to all feedback. However, we do appreciate all constructive input. If you are interested in volunteering, provide an e-mail address or phone number. Obviously, we would never publish your contact information. Leaving a comment is best but you can send an e-mail to [email protected] if you prefer.

1 thought on “Pitch In

  1. Scott

    I have thought about something similar for a long time (since early 2000’s) The biggest hurdle is logistics. No one is going to sign off on it if the cost of using it outweighs the cost of fuel or inhibits flexibility in any way. I believe the technology is there though, and I think America is severely outpaced worldwide in our infrastructure towards intercity travel.


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